we’ve talked about going to beacon hill for halloween for a few years now and we finally decided to do it this year. it wasn’t without its share of drama even though it had been discussed loooong in advance (what?! but! our friends! and our neighborhood!). in the end though, guess what, everyone was really glad we went and thought that it was the coolest. parents know best (like 99% of the time anyway). i mean, beacon hill! on halloween! what could be better?!
the place was dressed to the nines, monster mash blaring out some windows, creepy organ music out others, crowds and candy and costumes, fake spiderwebs stretched across gourd and cabbage filled window boxes, and lots of people manning their beautiful stoops with the smells of their dinner spilling out onto the streets, a glass of red wine in one hand and their candy bowl in the other.
parker got the hang of it pretty quickly but at first was quite reluctant to reach his hand in giant candy bowls and take a piece of candy. i mean, what goes through toddlers’ heads? i’m sure he wondered if this was something that routinely takes place–a giant dress up festival with candy for the taking–after he goes to sleep each night. he had his first red tootsie pop, attempting to gnaw on it right through the wrapper when i wasn’t looking. he’d been eyeing that very one from the moment it hit the growing pile of candy in his little pumpkin.
afterwards, we grabbed a pizza at upper crust and ate it in the common. a successful night. what’s cuter than kids in costume? hope your halloweens were fun!
I can't believe you already executed this post!
I love the pizza finish–a good call, that one. Nothing ends well if everyone leaves hungry. We had rotisserie chicken in the fridge, thank goodness.
So funny and Roald Dahl-esque about believing this happens every night after he goes to sleep.
even i was impressed with myself. (i didn't edit pictures–just threw 'em up old school. only way to get it done and still get a good night's sleep.)
a whole world after toddlers go to bed! they don't know the half of it!
oh my gosh, look at his little face. why hadn't i thought about trick or treating in beacon hill??!
next year!!! (where'd you go this year?)
This is the cutest.
shark-tuck, pretty dang cute too.
That looks like SO much fun! And Parker in his costume….I die! That last picture is perfection, really love it…sums up a great Halloween had by all!
Loved it. Parker makes a really cute duck. And you are funny.
Parker looks so adorable in his costume. It looks like the perfect night.
That looks like SO much fun!! I love Beacon Hill and never thought to go Trick or Treating there!! Maybe next year!
it's such an event there. really fun to change it up from the normal halloween routine!
Looks like a lot of fun. The area looks divine.
Ducky Booty?! I can't take it, but I can't look away!
me neither.
Looks like the perfect Halloween! Way to raise his expectations 🙂 You are all too cute.
Seriously? Seriously?! Has there ever been a more charming Halloween night ever? I think not.
never! 🙂
that last photo is amazing!
I've been reading your blog for a bit, but this is the first comment! Looks like a really fun Halloween in a charming little part of Boston – I love the cobblestone street. I also love Parker's costume – looks super comfy and cute!
beacon hill is among the most charming places ever! the perfect place for trick or treating 🙂
What a fun night! the location is key and those pictures are perfect, I love that you ended the night with pizza, nothings better 🙂
these are the most wonderful halloween pictures i've ever seen!
Was Parker organic? Free-range? I KNOW he was humanely raised!! xoxo
LOL, both! of course!
Parker's little duck costume is just precious. Love the shot of him sitting on the steps, oh gosh! I'm sure it's moments like that where you just wish he'd never grow up….maybe next year he can be Peter Pan 😉
To help exasperate means to "stir up". To help irritate, vex, provok or even create furious. In the event parents come across that they're warring making use of their young children — preventing challenges together around the residence front, or even when they observe indicators involving unhappiness, or even trouble, they'd end up being much better dished up simply by initial seeking to their unique raising a child tactics. Finger wag accompanier