i’m not a “house tour” kinda gal in part because a) my house isn’t amazing (i love my house, but it isn’t house tour amazing, i mean.) and b) i don’t know… privacy maybe? something weird about putting my house on my blog and showing you “here is the window placement should you want to break in.” i know i’m a little overboard with that. but, it is what it is. i gots to sleep at night. and i get sweaty palms if i feel like too much of my life is out there in the internet abyss so having a blog in and of itself is, at times, already a bit ‘out there’ for me.
now, lindsey’s room. i’m branching out of my fear of showing you where our windows are because her room is really lovely and it’s reeeeally high off the ground so chances are we’d see or hear you before you got all four limbs inside the house.
i am a notoriously sloooow decorator (and a cheap one too) so, we didn’t get here overnight. but rome was not built in a day, my friends! i wish we had a before picture because it was just blahhhhh. wallpaper border, greenish blah walls. in time, it came to be what it was and she loves it. so do we. and props to my main man steve for doing any painting and heavy lifting. and for installing branches from our own backyard as the curtain rods. now THAT is thrifty.
(not shown: closet to the left just past the bookshelf that steve built shelves in and all, and another bureau/vanity to the right along the wall you can’t see.)
Ha! This cracks me up because I'm ALL ABOUT doing the house tours. Then my boyfriend asks, "Umm… do you think it's a good idea to showcase my guitars? You're practically inviting guitar thieves into our home." Good call, boyfriend. Good call.
Another good call? Periwinkle and red. Wow! That's a combo that NEVER would've occurred to me, and it looks awesome.
I was just thinking about blog privacy myself last night.
It seems a little contradictory to want privacy when you write about your life on a blog, but I think its absolutely ok to draw boundaries for yourself.
Cute room also!
@jen, sounds like your bf and i are cut from the same mold!
@once upon the hill, oh girl we could have a long conversation about this topic! sometimes i think i shouldn't have my kids here at all and other times i'm so grateful for the memory-keeping it allows me. i don't know… it's a big topic, that's for sure.
Haha, I am sooo with you on being a little, teensy bit on the paranoid side- what if a crazy person can tell where I live based on my apartment layout?! Lindsey's room in gorgeous. I hope you don`t have problems with her sleeping in all day already, because I would never get out of that comfy bed if I were her!
i would have LOVED a room like this at her age. And for the record, I am the same type of person when it comes to life on a web, i have an entire posts in drafts dedicated to being careful with what you put on the internet.
I am an extremely slow decorator. i think it's in part because I am a terrible decorator. but this looks fantastic!
I started blogging in 2005 and stopped at one time bc if privacy issues. I totally he that. Hower branches for curtain rods….awesome!
Bonnie Rose | The Compass Rose
Ok! I'm dying over here! 'reeeeealy high off the ground…' you know i"m with you on this one. Queen of Fear. Thats me and you. Either way, I'm glad you showed this. Love the tree branches! I was thinking of doing that in Easton's room. I'm hanging drop cloth stripe curtains in there! WOO HOO! The room looks lovely!
I, too, am a notoriously slow decorator. Also, cheap. This turned out pretty amazing, though.
I'm curious. How did you hang the curtain rods?
the chair and the trunk. LOVE them!!! the whole room is great =) good things take time. 😉
I love that birdcage! What a find! Where did you get it?
Great post! I love this room. Thank for sharing!
@megan, publish those drafts! i wanna read!
@annie loo, really really really REALLY high off the ground. higher than any ladder ever! 🙂
@amber, it was a little bracket thing that he just screwed them into–i can ask him specifically what it's called though!
@katelupo, indeed they do! this room has been done for about a year but i am ALSO really slow at taking pictures of done projects too apparently 🙂
@nicole g, at an antique store, it was the only one! but i'm sure you could find one on etsy or an antique shop…
that collage on the wall is so pretty. i bet she loves it!
her room is so pretty and girly! definitely my style when I was a little thing. [although, let's be honest…I would not complain if my room were to look like this now]
Such a darling room! I would have loved this at her age!
love the look!!! so whimsical and fresh!!!! i can' wait to have a little girl to decorate for! my boys… well they don't really care! lol. great job! XO
I was just having this convo with a friend this morning! "These bloggers, aren't they afraid of crazy people????" It was prompted by kellie hamptons' openness on her blog but you seem to strike a good privacy balance. It must be tough!
And… The room is awesome btw!
I get sweaty palms too!
Her room is adorable! LOVE the colors!! And that chair. 🙂
her room is beautiful! i've never done a 'house tour' post either because our place is funky… let's just say that wall to wall carpet in every room does NOT photograph well. that and the anonymity thing. i feel ya 🙂
I like her room and I'm not even a fan of purple (or it's shades), red, or pink! (My sister was a purple and red person, so naturally I couldn't like them… I mean, duh.)
But I totally get the privacy thing. I've had that cross my mind many, many times. When we traveled all the time I'd never post about us being gone until we got back, because our petsitter stayed at our house with our pets. It'd be bad enough to have our stuff stolen, but I'd never dream of endangering them. Funny thing is, though, we weren't super accessible in the North Yorkshire countryside. Now that we're in suburban NC… I'm even more anxious about it. And I've deleted comments from people who mean well but know more than I want out there, but I do try to drop them an email that says why. I've not had it through Instagram, though; that'd be trickier if you didn't know their email.
But yes to the privacy, and the room!
@liz, i knowww. i hope i don't ever go too far, but it's possible! some people go waaay too far in my opinion.
@gesci, i have deleted comments before as well! and on IG i feel like a biatch deleting them without saying so — but, you know, the sweaty palms!
The room is beautiful! I love that you have a framed picture of her holding Parker for the first time – I can still remember your blog post with those photos because it was just so touching and made me sob like a baby because of how stupendously sweet she was.
I totally get you with that whole wanting to be less conspicuous. And her room? Amazing. Love that chest and that sweet bird cage especially.
Bridgette! Did you make the pom pom garlands that hang from the curtains or buy them? I just adore everything about the room~
: )
Adorable! I may have gone a bit overboard in my daughters bedroom. I like this style. Subtle, yet very girly!
ha, I have totally had all those thoughts too. very cute room 🙂
@beth, yeah! just the basic yarn pom pom tutorial that you can find online — strung on a piece of hemp!
SO cute. to say I'm obsessed with that chair would be an understatement. Where did you find it? If you say an antique store/thrift store I might cry 🙂
Also, I'm not the home touristy type either because A) I'm a terrible home tour photographer [[and I have my own photography business..I just can't photograph my house for the life of me haha]] and B) sweaty palm fear 🙂 …I have one in my drafts right now …but we shall see if it ever gets published!
A girl's dream room! Poms are SO much fun!
Also sometimes I think I overshare information on the Internet and then I watch crime shows and think I'm right and it scares me for a day and then I get over it… probs not the best mentality, but whatevs! 🙂
I love the purple walls! What paint color is that?
@nicole dianne, sorry lady but it was actually given to us by a friend who was giving it away! and it was the chair i literally envisioned for the space! (but i am sure there are others out there like it!!)
@kelly jo, shoot me an email and that will remind me to go searching for it! i know it's somewhere in this house…
I feel the same way about "house tours" nothing all that special to be seen at my house except a Huge mess moat days. I am also really slow at decorating, like it takes me 3 years to do one room!
Anyhow this room is glorious!!! I adore it! It's very sopfiaicated and perfect for a young lady. Love!!!
can this be my room?? so cute!
Seriously this room is BEAUTIFUl!!!
The Hartungs Blog
Ugh, I agree. Who decided showing people your house was normal?
My MIL once used her EMERGENCY key to let herself into our house and show it to her friend that was visiting.
True story. I found out a week later.
As for decorating, I agree again. Slow and steady. Also DIY almost never means "cheaper" so why would I do it myself and pay the same amount? No thanks. I'll save my pennies and my time for the real deal.
you're crazy. i'm not sure if you'd like me in real life because i eat things off the floor, and love people knowing where i am.
i decided that blogs are cool again.
yours especially.
oh my gosh. can this be any more whimsical and grily? i LOVE it!!
absolutely beautiful. she must never want to come out :).
beautiful! And I love that you used branches from your backyard for curtain rods! A great idea I am going to have to steal for sure:)
I absolutely love all the poms!
I'm the same way as you about house tours. It kind of freaks me out to share TOO much!
Lindsay's room looks awesome, I totally would never want to leave!
But it's good to hear about you wanting privacy, as much as you can get, while having a blog. Sometimes I wonder with some of of the blogs I read, how it's really letting us, the readers, into their lives, which is nice to read about, but I'm glad that you're aware of safety as well.
Such an adorable room! I love how whimsical and fun it is! A room a kid can live in (and be a kid!).
Hi Bridget,
I'm new to your blog- popped over from 'Across the pond'. Just wanted to tell you, I spent the morning with my tea, reading your 'Chapters' and have added your blog to my bookmarks. What a great story you guys have!
@courtenay, thanks for reading!! and welcome 🙂
Beautiful! She must love it! Heck, I'd love it!
ha! i'm totally the same way about 'blog safety'! love how the room turned out! 🙂
So cute! Where is her bedding from?
@hannah, thanks! the white duvet is target and the sheets are polka dot and from land of nod.
i've loved every nook and cranny of your house i've gotten the pleasure of sneaking a peek of thus far. disclaimer: i have an unhealthy fascination with New England? don't know what it is, but those old colonials and their history just speak to me.
lindsey is pretty lucky to have a mom like you. that room is HEAVEN for a little girl. pink and red poms? stop it now. i just KNOW all her friends are jelly.
I love her room! So feminine and full of color 🙂
It's so amazing! I'm pretty jealous of her room, in fact. So put together! You should be proud.
Just out of curiosity where is the bed from? I love it!
@ashley, super old! it was my older sister's growing up (from like the 70s!)
What a beautiful your room. Red color is inspiring me a lot. Bed is looking very cozy. My bedroom also like this but its not so cozy, your bed is much better then me. I was purchase that bed from online furniture store. But i did not happy with my shopping. Your room is nice. Thanks
Yes i agree with Sarah Navina … your room is looking really very nice but i did not see fireplace in the room. I have purchase the fireplace Winnipeg for my room, now my room is much warm and i sleep very comfortable.