after doing a few posts on health from a holistic approach, i was surprised at how many e-mails i got asking for more information on various things, websites one could use to learn more, books i’ve read, how often i give myself an enema (loved this one!), and a few actually asking for my mom’s e-mail address so they could go right to the source with their questions since, as i’ve pretty much said, anything i know about health i owe to her. i love those e-mails. i loooove talking about health. the way some people love politics or movies or books… i love talking about health-related matters. so, it is with those e-mails in mind, my (mostly) total disappointment in america’s current health situation, and a love for all things natural, i bring you the “dear marianne” column.
for those of you who are newer to my blog, hello! marianne is my mother and one of my best friends. her interest in all things health has not happened overnight but, over time, since the early 70s. a little background: she was wary of vaccinations before most were questioning them, questioned where her meat was coming from, had a homebirth in 1980 when that was mostly unheard of, was looking into eastern medicine before it was cool, and did not flat out trust that the fda and government had our best interests at heart. she never gave us over-the-counter medication, but opted for things like enemas, foot reflexology (she’s been doing reflexology since the 80s), and chiropractic care (from a few weeks of age and on) when things were off in our bodies. this isn’t to say that she (and i) don’t believe that vaccinations and antibiotics and such have their place in this world. let me be clear: they do. however, i think we could all agree that less is more and that our world is a bit over-medicated at present. when too many of us trust the experts, she trusted her instincts and did her own research. and before you go thinking i munch on kale all day, i should tell you that my health is not perfect–i get colds and sore throats sometimes, and i still enjoy ice cream and cookies just like the rest of you (as julia childs says, “everything in moderation. even moderation.”) but i certainly was not sick much in my childhood and i’m still not. nor do i remember my mom ever having anything more than a slight cold. healing the body through the body was always the name of the game in my house and my mom knows her stuff. she’s well read and i’ve told her she deserves an honorary PhD with all the know-how she’s amassed over the years. it is with these things in mind that i decided to start this. i’m just the middle-man. she’s where the information is at, people!
i’m really quite proud of her (can you tell?) and am lucky to have all the information she’s passed on over the years. so, if those e-mails from you guys are any indication of questions needing answers, here we go!
all the questions will be answered by her and probably not until the end of may. also, i’ve allowed for anonymous questions (but please be nice!) because asking about the appropriate shape and color of your poo might not jive well with you. but, if you know me at all, nothing is TMI for me.
This is exciting! I'm also really into this stuff, but am just starting to scratch the surface of everything out there to learn about health and my body. I could start telling you stories upon stories about what has changed my body over the past few years, but I'll hold off…for now.
I will definitely have a few (dozen) questions for you to pass along to your mama. Time to get my brain churning!
wow! how lovely of your Mama to offer her knowledge 🙂
my question may seem silly since it is in regard to Yoga and i am fairly confident i am the only person on the planet who has never done it!
i was wondering what would be the best form of Yoga for a novice to start with?
i have consistant back pain most of the day and i think my body is SCREAMING for a good stretch! 🙂
Thank You!
– Lisa.
I'm a FIRM believer in all that you have stated here. I too had someone who taught me so many things about health and healing. I'm not the best at utilizing these skills (working on it) but I think the human body is miraculous and has an amazing power to heal, if given the chance. I come from a very humble place as I've had many health ailments throughout the years, including a VERY scary one. But with research and diligence, I turned down some pretty evil drugs, and I feel like it was the best choice. Education and research is key. I'm so excited for this project you have going!!!
hey peepz. i've already passed some of the questions on to her! what what! this is great. i'm so excited… since, ya know, i dont have a show a la jamie oliver or dr. oz to share my (what? her.) knowledge. this will have to do. and im lovin' it!
Wow! Your mom looks absolutely fantastic! It's so wonderful to have a mother who teaches you to take care of yourself and live in a healthful way. I can't tell you how often I thank God for that blessing in my life!
Your momma is one smart lady! Honorary PhD indeed.
After quite some thought, I have narrowed my need to know everything about giving birth and raising babies to these two issues:
What are some tips and tricks for successful breastfeeding?
And what weird things should I be expecting from my postpartum body? Everyone's all hush-hush about it, but I'd like to know how to deal ahead of time.
Thanks to your mama!
@elizabeth, she's an old time la leche leaguer so she'll have some tips in that category!
and yeah… i'm not sure the vajays go quite back to normal afterwards… but i'll get her "official" post-baby body info.
This is great!
I'm interested in info about allergy management (I'm allergic to dust…yikes) sans meds and diabetic treatment. The mister was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago (at age 25) and is working to be off insulin. What are some tips for managing it & how I can I support those (I have a wicked sweet tooth)?!
I love a little TMI. I had a natural childbirth with midwives in September. I tore a little and only part of the tear healed. I can't have anything enter that area because I have a fresh cut! I have done sitz bath, estrogen cream and calendula. Any ideas? To say my husband and I would both appreciate it is an understatement.
Also, make sure you are healing after you deliver and get your pap too!
oh my goodness… i second that one about allergies. all those drugs for allergies have GOT TO BE SOOOOO BAD… but living with allergies STINKS.
I love this!!!! My husband started teaching me about the various issues with modern medicine when we first got together, while I've learned a lot I'm always looking to learn more and it sounds like your mama is the perfect resource! What an awesome lady! I can't wait to read your "Doctor" Marianne posts!
<3 MuffinLovesBiscuit
I just love your mom! She is so awesome and totally my kind of gal. I love natural cures and I love knowing that our bodies want to heal themselves and we just try to aid that as naturally as possible. Love this!
I totally love the natural approach to life! I've never tried it health wise though. I don't really get sick that much, but when I have a headache, I do reach for the aspirin. I don't want to, because I'd rather find another way to get rid of it, but I don't know a better option! There's a question for your mom!
So I just discovered your blog yesterday through Story of my Life and I have now read through your entire blog..including your story…and all the pregnancy posts. Love it!
What childhood vaccinations are a MUST and which ones should be passed up? There are just SOOO many nowadays that it seems overwhelming for a tiny growing body to handle.
A favorite refined sugar-free dessert?
@wonderchris, GOOD QUESTION. i wonder the same thing all the time (and the research is soooo differing all the time that her answer will certainly not be THE answer but she can speak from experience at least and give you some sources to read more).
@AJ- email me! my sister wants to answer your question ASAP (she's a L&D nurse)
Dear 'doctor' Marianne,
I'm about to get reallll honest up in here. I've got some crazy gas. I've had it all my life. This gas typically only presents itself from the southern exit, if ya know what I mean. Any suggestions about calming this embarrassing beast I've dealt with for 28 years?
Blogger crashed?! I lost a post too and had nooo idea what was going on! Thanks!
And a question for Marianne,
I'm not sure if this is an area of expertise or not, but I am currently vegan, but am wanted to transition back because I'll be studying abroad in Germany for 6 months starting in September. I'll most likely return to vegan when I come back to the US. How do I make this temporary switch back in a way that's healthy and won't totally rip up my insides. I've heard meat and dairy can have that effect after not eating it for so long.
is there anything– supplements, vitamins– other than exercise (i do plenty of that) to naturally increase your sex drive? would LOVE to (and my husband would be thankful for your response too!!)
Ooh, I have a question. Any tips on speeding up a super sluggish metabolism? I run (anywhere from 2-4 miles usually, more like 6 when I have time to be doing long runs and be in that kind of shape), do strength training, do Jillian Michaels' videos, etc. I'm a 'mostly-vegan' (is that a thing?!) and eat 'weird healthy s@#&' (to quote my husband) like spinach smoothies, roasted chickpeas, and kale. I've tried the small-frequent-meals thing and the carefully-restricted-calories thing and jeez, I would just like to not have this little belly. So not fair when I work so hard to be healthy. Any tips?
{and I'm not even embarrassed enough about that — the tummy problem — to have posted it anonymously. Unless it turns out I'm the only person in the world who would like to be thinner. If that's the case, then yes, I'll be embarrassed.}
Aww, your mother sounds like the best and I think it's so awesome that she's doing this!
I was wondering if she knew anything about hair thinning. I understand that as we get older (though I'm only 24) it happens. But both my parents have suuper thick hair and I'm thinking that there's some sort of nutrient or something I'm not getting that is causing it. Any advice would be amazing! Thanks!
xx Melina
I love all of your advice Dr. Marianne and thank you for turning me on to Dr. Mercona for me and my pet. Great sight!
I would love some advice on having more energy. I had my thyroid removed {cancer} in 2006, but have never had a ton of energy.
Also, any other sources for getting the best quality vitamins, etc.
Thank you so much!
I have a low thyroid problem and want to eventually get off this "natural" daily medicine any ideas for balancing hormones,giving me more energy,and helping my thyroid naturally?
Also i wanted to know if you had any suggestions for helping digestion and going to the bathroom fiber pills have not helped me! I am desperate! Its every 2-4 days!
Thank you 🙂
oooh i wanna know how she feels about coffee (i'm not a fan). just curious.
and totally agree about the fda thing. people don't really usda org labels can be bought! depressing.
My fiance has really awful dry skin on his hands. Almost like eczema. He uses creams on them everyday but nothing seems to help. If we go to the doctor we get steroid creams (scary, I know), but you can't use that for prolonged periods of time because it thins your skin out. I'm searching for a solution to our problem, because taking care of symptoms really isn't working. If you have any advice that would be great.
What are your thoughts on menstrual cups?
happy weekend!
you've got one smart mumma!
In what cases are you for, and in what cases are you against vaccines? It seems like the camps are so split into either "always" or "never". Thanks 🙂
Have you or your mom ever read The China Study? If so what do you think?
Cute Blog, i defs had to follow 😀
Natural (and effective) remedies for seasonal allergies…PLEASE!
i would love to hear some of your favorite breakfast foods. favorite dinners. and while i am at it, what does your current exercise routine look like?
thanks for your time!
I suffer from not only seasonal allergies, but year-round sinus headaches and lots of sneezing. What could I use other than medication to get relief?
I would also love to know her opinion on the best method of birth control. I am having a hard time finding the best choice for my husband and me. I am currently on the pill and I just don't feel 'right'.
The same thing happened to my first post after being blog MIA for awhile 🙂 Happy to be back though &be enjoying your adorable blog. I LOVE IT!
I kept waiting for blogger to get on the ball with comments (they have promised to give them back)…but my questions were about breastfeeding and postpartum bodies.
Vaccinations! Tell us about those. We are on a delayed schedule with the vaccinations for my seven month old just because of all the descrepancies with information and studies. Would love to hear what yo mama thinks.
I have a history of breast cancer in my family (mother died of it at age 44, aunt got it at age 50 and is fighting it) so I've been trying to eat healthier and find ways to prevent breast cancer. Do you have any tips on this?
And I want to know what you think about birth control, too! I've been on the pill for three years, but I heard there was a recent study that said the the pill can mess with your pheromones and have bad long-term effects.
Thanks 🙂
I would love to know how to best manage allergies (I'm allergic to dust of all things) w/o relying on meds.
I'm really excited for this! Thank you for opening the floor.
Your mom sounds awesome! I love hearing about like-minded people — they fuel my fire to keep following what I believe, even if I'm often in the minority.
Hi, i have a question about natural remedies for chronic migraines that my hubby has. I also wanted to know some basics on foot reflexology for people with migraines, as well as back pain from a bulging disc, and crohn's disease which is an inflammatory disease that attacks certain parts of the intestines and has a bunch of other bad symptoms. My husband and I are young but have been debilitated by these monsters and would love any advice you could give us! Thanks!
Wow! I just found your blog and I love it!!! I have a question about how to deal with headaches? Also psorasis( which is an autoimmune disease.) ohh and crohn's disease? Just so many questions it is so hard to narrow it down lol. I just started looking into natural medicines so this is perfect! Thanks!
Hey! I think it's so cool that your mom is going to share her very very valuable wisdom with us. I'd like info on dealing with persistent yeast infections :S Not fun! Also, I've had headaches/migraines for years and I'd love some info on how to cope/prevent them. Thanks so much!
Also- I'm wondering if she's going to contact us individually or if these will be in a blog post. I love some of the other questions, so I'd love to hear answers to them as well.
Hi Dr Marianne! I'm wondering if you have any advice for a new vegetarian? I've recently stopped eating all meat and chicken (but I still eat fish so I'm really a pescatarian) for ethical reasons, but I'm quite an active, busy person and I just want to make sure I'm being as healthy as can be. x