1. dance more (though new year’s eve fulfilled a few months’ worth;
and yes, the bra was red– and the flash brought it out! it was not showing all night long, dudes.)
2. inspired by julie & julia, cook boeuf bourguignon
3. visit a to z more frequently (my work-out destination)
4. learn more about our country’s history–minus trips to jamestown, va.
(particularly vietnam war)
5. learn to meditate
6. be a better wifey to this guy
7. and a better role model for these guys
what are yours?
on the boeuf bourg…. i have a killer recipe i'd be happy to share that supposedly only takes 30 minutes (more like 50 minutes, for me). oops, but it has mushrooms, and you poor deprived souls don't enjoy such delicacies. so scratch that. but let me know if you find a non-fungal recipe that you like!