since being a mom of a little one, there’s a few things that have been clutch for me. this website has come in handy more times than i care to count (speedy shipping!) and… a few more things. but, let’s be clear: i still have a heck of a lot to learn (or, at the very least, a heck of a long way to go in terms of consistency.). but, nevertheless, here’s a few of my tried and trues:
number one: don’t run out of diapers. easy right? wrong. so wrong. i order diapers in bulk, always, so it’s easy to keep assuming, “oh there’s more in the upstairs closet” until… there’s not. when will i realize they’re not the loaves and fishes? there is an end to them. and how about a blowout in the last diaper in the house? that’s actually a sort of scary place to be and i’m not even kidding. you ever put a kid with a blowout in a car seat? he ain’t happy about it. and good chance that car seat is gonna take a beating and then need washing and then guess who’s not going any place at all until that car seat dries (and mine is this crazy squishy material that dries approximately 8 days after i wash it, no biggie!)?? me. that’s who. well, me and parker. i’m pretty lucky though, i’ve only been out a few times and my local grocery store is not far, praise be. but, yeah, keep ordering and then order some more. (not to mention, there’s a million other things here–clothes, shoes, sunscreen, etc.–and seriously, the shipping is fast which is awesome. plus, you don’t have to go anywhere.)
number three: go to sleep. i’m terrible at this. i won’t pretend that i don’t stay up late and then regret my late nights almost every single morning of my life. occasionally i wise up and go to bed early and wake up refreshed and like myself and everyone else so much better but usually… no. i get sucked in to some crappy television show and, well, tired bridget wins again. but it’s actually a lose. a huge one that i pay for all day.
number four: baby carrier! baby carrier! baby carrier! can i say that three more times?! parker lived in one allowing me to be hands-free and, quite often, with some semblance of a meal on the table for the family. we both loved it. i got to have him close and he got to be close. it was a win-win-win-win. this is the one we have.
number five: utilize your crockpot, folks. i mean it. i’ve sung the praises of my crock pot time and time again (here’s one!) but really, it can’t be sung enough. no more handling raw meat, no more “dammit, it’s five o’clock and the chicken is still a rock in the freezer.” the reasons are plentiful. the possibilities are endless. a crockpot is a cook’s best friend. and especially a busy cook.
thanks to huggies for sponsoring! head over here for $12 off any box of diapers on the page for first-time purchasers. $12! that’s like 40 free diapers, friends. use code WOWHUGGIES at checkout!
any tips for me? i’ll take whatcha’ got. namely… when can i hope to not be buying diapers anymore??