I am counting to 1, 2, 3 at least four times a day for Parker right now. Or threatening, “I’m about to ask a third time. I’m about to!” We’re not certain what happens if I reach 3 and my request continues to go unnoticed. Sometimes I declare, “No Paw Patrol!” (An addiction of his at the moment, and one that I am trying to break.)
But I’d like to get a better system. A chart? Something with stickers? Good listening, being kind to Anders, getting ready for the day nicely, and helping around the house gets him closer to… a new Matchbox car? A knight? Something that motivates him to do xyz and keeps me from feeling frustrated. I don’t want it to be so difficult and the reward so hard to attain that he loses interest. I want it to be something where he can obviously see his progress. I also don’t love rewarding children for things that they should do like brushing their teeth, or picking up their room, but maybe I should reward for those now? Stop when he’s older and more is expected of him? Do you give a sticker for a full day of good behavior? Or a sticker for every time they listen when they don’t want to? I want to have it spelled out for me! What do you do?
A quick search on Pinterest brought up two that I like: this ticket system maybe? Or this pom-pom jar one?
Steve and I–and maybe you too?–have the hardest time sticking to things when it comes to discipline. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and when times are desperate we do come up with a system. And then, time passes, things are less desperate, we get lax. Our inconsistency is so frustrating to me. Our last big parenting move was banning technology from 5-7:30 unless it was for school use. (Things were very desperate at the time.) We’ve since, you guessed it, gotten more lax. Until things turn desperate again.
What’s your system?