Sometimes I laugh at the wrong time.
Good friends can be hard to come by.
My very own before-and-after!
Remember I was redecorating? Well, it is coming along quite nicely. It’s not finished yet, however. I know you are all waiting with bated breath to see the finished before and afters. Hold your horses. We’ll get there soon enough.
But, here is one of the most exciting transformations yet! With two bottles of $3 spray paint… voila!… something ugggg is turned into something fabulous (so sorry if you are one of the five people in the world who prefer these brass chandeliers to something actually pretty else).
A lovely night.
My parents were in town this weekend. Never for long enough, but such is life. My sister Meghan and her husband Brent hosted the six of us for a lovely dinner last night. Lovely people, lovely ambiance, lovely food… I enjoy using the word lovely and lovely it was.
We celebrated my Mom’s belated and my Dad’s early birthdays since us Boston-folk don’t get to see them on the actual day of birth. We celebrated it over a lovely roasted vegetable lasagna, and lovely bread, lovely wine, and lovely sour cherry apple crisp. Are you getting sick of that word yet? Too bad.
And then, while the men watched some Olympics, the ladies danced. We can’t help but be extra inappropriate when my Mom is present. The shock value is just too fun. But–don’t tell her I said this–the apples do not fall far from the tree.
I’m such a real blogger now that I’m getting tagged.
Dear Massachusetts and dear husband:
Dear Massachusetts,
Today is a beautiful day. I complain about you a lot. It’s really mostly your winters that I find ridiculously long–and your springs are a little too on the gray side. I’d like a little more yellow. But, I am going to put all that aside, call a truce, and tell you today that you have given us a gorgeous day of snow and sun and we are going to go sledding. So, though it sometimes pains me to say it, thank you.
Yours truly, Bridget
Dear Husband,
Why do you wear slippers when you snow blow/shovel/partake in outdoor activities involving lots of snow? Do you not remember these beauties that you own (see below) that are so much
more suited for this than your fluffy slippers that I bought you for your birthday? It’s really pretty silly. But, I do love you regardless, maybe even a little more because sometimes it seems like there’s not a whole lot going on upstairs, even though I know this isn’t the truth. And thank you for
taking care of the snow. William and Lindsey, thanks to you guys too. Love, the one who cares about your slippers
there are no words.
oh design sponge, you never cease to inspire me.
i hate these chandeliers that builders between the years of– oh i don’t know… 1970 and… now– felt the need to put in every single one of the houses they built. we have one. and we hate it. it looks almost identical to this one, just a little smaller.
the chandelier still hangs in the office that i’m redoing, taunting me from its little ceiling home tempting me to rip it out of the ceiling and chuck it in the woods out back. but, maybe i don’t have to.
cause check this out.