things that have been making my life a bit smoother.
a comedy of errors.
thursday night was rough. parker fell asleep on me…hurrah! this is, indeed, his favorite place to fall asleep. “yes! the child is asleep! now i can get to the laundry!” “not so fast, my fine friend. the child is asleep on you and will wake up if you attempt a move! don’t you do it!” he’s got like spidey-senses and can tell that i’ve moved him or that i’m not right next to him even without opening his eyes. how does he do it?! so, i attempted a move nevertheless, and he awoke. and did not want to go back to sleep. then, we had the 16-year old getting a good, much needed talking-to (and i swear, babies know when there is unrest in the house) by his dad, parker was like, “nah. i’m not goin’ down and you can’t make me. i want to hear what all this is about.” so, in my infinite wisdom, i decided to walk him outside. it was 11 pm and sort of chilly so i zipped him inside my jacket chest to chest. he fell asleep, finally, but then i realized i’d zipped his onesie into the zipper of my jacket (not his skin people, not his skin!). it didn’t come loose without some working it by steve and by then parker was back awake and his onesie had a big hole in it (see the picture?). it was laughable but sometimes at midnight funny things aren’t so funny. so then dad is walking parker, mom is laying down (and is it just me moms, but even when dad is walking the babe i really can’t rest till i know parker’s sleeping too?) and people are startin’ to get irritable. irritable, i said! and let me tell you, nothing good can come of conversations that happen post midnight when there’s a newborn in the house. nothing good. so, mom is mad at dad, dad’s mad at mom, 16-year old is mad at everyone, and parker’s like, “hey guys, just keep walking. just keep walking.“
moral of the story? just keep walking. oh, and careful with zippers and excess onesie fabric.
parker’s birth story.