turkey stock + soup. yum.
kids! they do the darndest things!
kids! doing the darndest things! ain’t it the truth?! the cast of characters here at the hunt abode has been dishing out material ripe for the blog world. ripe for the blog world, people! i mean seriously! just keep reading!
and these are only two of ’em! only two hunt hooligans!
william comes home the other day from school and hands steve a $20.
we ask where it came from.
“i brought our fruit leathers to school and sold them. so-and-so bought 12 of them for $1.75 each.”
there are so many things wrong with this.
fruit leathers. i’m talking non-sweet, non-fluorescent snacks from the kid (william) who’s most likely labeled “the kid who brings the crappy, tree-bark snacks to school.” how did he pull this one over on said boy?
and what is said boy doing with $20 when clearly he’s an idiot?
and, perhaps i should be impressed here, when did my william become such a saavy salesman?
william and jordan. they’re always going at it. the latest below.
jordan smacks william in the face with his sock (what?).
william steals some of jordan’s ritz crackers.
jordan puts his hands on william’s cheese and crackers.
william says, “i’m not eating it now that you touched it!”
jordan says (happily), “fine,” and throws it away.
(my verbage doesn’t have to make sense all the time.).
you got some crazy kid stories? share ’em! we’ve got to stick together!