hi! i’m glad you’re here. i’m bridget. lady of the house (and blog!). i live in the boston area with my husband steve and our six kids. well, they’re not all home anymore as some are post-college and in the real world so to speak. together we love boating on lake winnipesaukee, sitting together for a meal, going for bike rides, and listening to paul simon and james taylor (steve would add “country music!” here but it’s my blog and i do what i want!).
in december 2006, we were married. he was a widower, once my professor, and father to four young kids. i know. there’s a lot to digest there. you can read that story in its entirety here (chapter 1, 2, and 3)… including a chapter written by the man himself!

there are eight of us now since we added two more to the mix: nathaniel, jordan, william, lindsey, parker, and anders. all are not under one roof any longer, as life in the working world goes, college, so on and so forth. there’s a lot of love (and plenty of crazy) in this family of ours and we’re glad you’re here to see some of it. thanks for stopping by.

where do you live?
boston-area. i’m originally from the philadelphia (south jersey, what!) area and steve’s originally from the chicago area though (he claims they have the best pizza but i think deep dish pizza is stupid.). i’ve lived here for the better part of the last ten years though (and steve even longer!) so this is home. we love it here. but late winter is sort of treacherous. i like to think we’re just tougher than most.
what kind of camera do you use?
before january 2013, a canon rebel xs (most often with a canon 50mm 1.8 lens–cheap and fabulous!) and after, a 5d mark ii. most often, with a 24-70 f/2.8
lens. and sometimes (often), on the go, the iphone.
how do you edit your photos?
lightroom! and sometimes photoshop.
does your age difference bother you?
it used to. it hardly crosses my mind these days. (it’s 18 years, by the way.) there are no guarantees in life–no matter how old or young your spouse is so i’d say don’t give up on love because of age (or race or… on and on…). those who it does bother, one hundred percent of the time, are people who don’t know us. you can’t win everyone over!
were your parents supportive?
totally. my parents are ridiculously amazing and could’ve really been wary of my choice to date (and marry!) a father and older man (i wouldn’t have blamed them either). nevertheless, they had our backs from the get-go (not only are they awesome, but so is steve. son-in-law jackpot!) and for that i’m forever grateful. to say they love him and the kids is an understatement.
do the kids call you ‘mom’?
william and lindsey do and have for a very long time. nathaniel and jordan don’t. to them, i am bridget. it makes sense–they were older when their mother passed away so they still have many memories of her. william and lindsey were very young (4 and 2) so it’s more natural for them to call me mom.
are you religious?
yes and no? i am a non-denominational christian but firmly believe in the ‘live and let live’ motto. with that said, i have lots of questions about my faith. questions that will most likely not be answered in this life. i’ll keep trying nevertheless.
what’s your degree in?
double major in english and religion. i dream of having my writing published and becoming a photographer. in some way, i guess i’m doing both right now? (i do have a photography website, but turn down most jobs these days… not enough time! i keep the website active though in case i pick it up again.)
where do you like to shop?
h&m, target, old navy, nordstrom, gap, j.crew, asos…
how do you do it all?
i… don’t. i’m sitting here in a robe that will likely stay on my body for the next four hours. there’s an entire chicken defrosting next to the sink right now too. not sure what will become of it, but there it sits. it nearly gave me frostbite as i hauled it out of the basement freezer. there are four (yes. literally, four.) full baskets of laundry to fold and dirty dishes in the sink. i don’t feel like doing any of it right now so i’m here instead. this is so much more fun!! let’s just say, this blog is a very, very small portion of the life we lead. don’t be fooled.
do you co-sleep? can you talk to us about co-sleeping?
i do co-sleep. it’s one of the things that sort of just fell into place and quickly felt very natural to me. i’ve written about it here. then i wrote about transitioning them out of co-sleeping here. now we’re all back in bed together. we did a video on the family bed here! i love it.
what’s that song you’re listening to?
i get a lot of questions about what songs i’m listening to in the background of IG stories, etc. i have spotify account and listen for most of the day. often it’s my own playlists. you can find me there right here.
i get a lot of questions about what songs i’m listening to in the background of IG stories, etc. i have spotify account and listen for most of the day. often it’s my own playlists. you can find me there right here.
how can i contact you?
email! itsahuntlife@gmail.com
what are your favorite posts?
here’s a few to start: a post i wrote while pregnant about bringing my own child into our family, parker’s birth story, anders’ birth story, parker’s happy birthday video, our switzerland video, and all of our italy posts, an honest post about marriage, one on preparing for childbirth.

also, my kids are superheroes. boom.