The Lauterbrunnen valley down below.
The walk to town from the place we were renting!
We decided on a Swiss fondue for dinner the first night and we picked up
the makings here. The two women working in the shop told us,
“Have a good fondue!” accent and all as we left.
A happy fondue customer.
The view from our place. The cloud cover is hiding even more mountains.
So many pictures in this one, so click to read more!!
We rented the second floor of that home you see. It was spectacular and we did not want to leave!
Pit stop on a walk for some nursing and some climbing…
Same view, different time of day, and less clouds. It changed all the time
depending on the weather. It was amazing.
It almost hurts to look at it, right?
The Lauterbrunnen valley down below (and the base of the Jung Frau to the left).
Is their a more Swiss picture?
Maybe if I was chowing on a Toblerone and ringing a cowbell at the same time
then this picture would be complete.
His first time on a swing!
Swiss don’t mess around with window boxes.
An early morning walk with Anders sleeping in the carrier.
Visiting Lauterbrunnen!
The view from behind Staubbach Falls.
Going straight from two weeks in Rome to Wengen was a little bit like… I’ve been trying to think of the perfect analogy for days but I’m coming up short. A desert to a lush rain forest? No. Being on espresso to being on chamomile tea (what??!)? No. Whatever. It’s going from Rome to Wengen and please, dear reader, do it and then tell me what the perfect analogy is because I know there is one.
We’re in the Peak District now and Steve was remarking at the pastures and green and serenity of it all and I said, “What about the Alps?” and he said something like yes, yes, they’re so beautiful but they’re almost aggressive. It’s true, what he said. Now let me explain. Arriving in Wengen (even the drive just to get there), is almost like a punch to the gut. It actually hurts the eyes. You have to look at them with one eye because two? You might melt, explode, combust. You almost want to yell at them: “Damn you, you show offs, gimme a break!!” Because they might just be the most beautiful thing ever and you want to take it all in and never leave but you know you’ll have to but yet! People do live here and why can’t you be them? They command your total attention but sometimes you just need to give your eyes a rest from it and stare at a wall or something because it is just too much.
I’ve said enough.
Wengen is sort of that perfectly Swiss mountain town, away from it all, where you half expect to wake up to yodeling or see Heidi running across the pastures below while you drink your hot chocolate. I just know Heidi has been here. From our kitchen window we could see cows, goats, dogs, horses, chickens. And the cowbells! Why don’t our cows wear cowbells? Let’s start a petition!
It was the perfect place to relax, to decompress. 16 nights in Rome were fantastic in so many ways but Wengen was like a deep breath (of really crisp, cold mountain air) after it all. We went for walks, we had fondue and wine. We moved slow in the mornings and went for walks in our pajamas. We let Parker and Anders be kids–playing, crawling. We looked outside at the ever-changing scenery. We arrived in snow and clouds, having no idea what the views were, really. And then! The clouds cleared, the sun was out, and there they were. Snow covered mountains all around. They don’t call them breath-taking for nothing.
Wengen is a totally pedestrian mountain town. A quiet farming town, that will really light up in the coming months when the ski season begins (the finish line for the ski world cup in January is a stone’s throw from the house!). The most action we saw were the farm animals grazing or the mailman delivering mail on a little electric bike. Never did I want to be a mailman so badly.
We wandered through Lauterbrunnen one day and I remarked that I could ride the train to and from Wengen all day long. The views, the tiny train stops complete with bright red geraniums in the window boxes (yes, even a little train stop!), the jangling of cowbells before you even spot the cows wearing them. It’s just a dream.
So beautiful! I've been wanting to read Heidi again, and now I have pictures of where to put her in my mind.
These pictures are just breathtaking! It's like a dream!
Isn't that area the best!? I like you description of going from Rome to Wengen. Hah!
When I think back to our stay in Lauterbrunnen it all seems like a misty dream of some sort.
Wengen, next year, for sure..
So beautiful!
These photos!!! What an incredible experience for all of you:) I've also been in awe of your travel style while abroad. You know how to do! Love a source for the grey and red beanies you're rocking here. Love you guys!
H&M, both of em! Thanks
I want to go, this town looks magical!!
Is this real? Like, did you all really see and feel and experience this majestic beauty?
I don't believe it. But I really, really want to go myself someday.
we really did, and it's ABSURD.
Amazing photos. Envious to say the least!
Can't believe it. I totally get you about "it hurts to look at them." That's how I felt in New Zealand – every single view was SO RIDICULOUSLY amazing and photogenic it was just like, stop it! I can't appreciate you enough!!! And yes, sooo jealous of people who get to live in spectacular places like that. Also – the characteristically Swiss everything – it's like that in every city/town apparently! My friend recently moved to Switzerland and every single trip they take it to some amazingly quaint gorgeous town. Ugh. Hope she won't be mad if I link her here –
This is UNREAl!! My husband and I are planning a big trip for my sabbatical next summer and I think Switzerland is on the list – I may have to hit you up for reccos! Have loved following on your adventure.
wow! just wow!
LOVING your pictures. i had the good fortune to visit wengen back in 2001 and have been longing to visit again ever since. so glad you had a lovely time there! it's such a gem of a town!
Sign me up! I want to go!
That view of the Valley is breathtaking! I loved the.picture of Parker looking down the grassy slope…like he was deep in thought lol does he ever mention home? Like you had mentioned before it's a big trip for a little guy and amazing trip at that! I was curious if he has missed being home at all
That view of the Valley is breathtaking! I loved the.picture of Parker looking down the grassy slope…like he was deep in thought lol does he ever mention home? Like you had mentioned before it's a big trip for a little guy and amazing trip at that! I was curious if he has missed being home at all
oh he definitely misses home, and remembers it! we mention it quite often and i think that helps.
I'm really enjoying reading about your travels! I loved reading this post and seeing your beautiful photos. Can I ask, did you guys hire a car and, if not, how did you get to your house with bags and whatnot? We live in Switzerland (Geneva), but I would never have considered staying in a place like that without a car. Maybe I should… Thanks!
we did rent a car and had it parked in lauterbrunnen! once in wengen, there's no need for one!
Good to know. We're currently planning a tour of Switzerland for when my parents visit next summer and this has inspired me! Cheers!
I enjoyed this SOooo much, lovely text & wonderful pictures.
I reminded me very much of the area I lived in for a while in the magical Haute Beaujolais region of France during the wintertime….Happy times !
Sorry, I forgot to say "thank you " (very British of me !!!).
Oh, my word. I just can't even right now.
The views! Gosh, too beautiful.
I watched a Rick Steves about a place just like this and of course I was dying to go there! You've just renewed that desire.
Beautiful pictures and it's always a great fun to read and learn about new places. Thanks alot for sharing.
Do you remember in what dates did you go? I am planning to go in late October but it is the shoulder season so I am not sure and I have not been able to find any pictures or videos of the area in those dates.
It was late October! And there was a dusting of snow (and their first, we were told) while there. I’d have a jacket– doesn’t need to be insanely heavy–and a pair of shoes that could stand sliiiiight snow just in case. HAVE FUN!