My mind is a swirl. Chalkboard, history curriculum, can I find those used audiobooks on ebay, do I need those pastel crayons, I’d love to make that Korean beef Instant Pot meal, when will those math books be back in stock, and oh shoot there’s still two loads of laundry mess on the bed upstairs and the sheets we need to sleep in tonight haven’t gone into the dryer yet, also when was the last time I showered and did anyone lock up the chickens yet?
I am assuming, come September, I will have all of my ducks in a row, the house will be tidy, and I will show up to the homeschool space like Mary Poppins with a bag full of magic. The kids will read quietly in their appointed spaces — magical spaces, strung with twinkle lights and seats that cushion you like a soft hug — for long chunks of time so that Mother/Mary Poppins can happily continue clicking away on her keyboard to blog, fold the laundry, meal plan, read a book. I’ll have time for all of that, right? Oh, and the learning we will do!An aside — the other day I looked outside at 8:30 PM and it was dark. A few weeks ago at 8:30? Not so.
What I will say, and it has come with such great relief, is that my regular late July/early August anxiety surrounding the end of the summer is barely showing its unwelcome head. No doubt it was wholly tied to giving up so much of my kids over to school. (Though, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little bit tied to the weather as well.) I’m over the moon excited to be schooling them at home this year, and I really think they are too. I keep talking about all the outdoor things we will do, with an addendum every time, “You know, we will be doing some work too!” But I am so excited to follow their lead, to discover what really interests them, to watch how they learn. Oh, and to get to teach Anders to read? I cannot wait to watch that click for him, whenever the time comes.I assume it will take a month or two, to find our groove. Seasoned homeschoolers are clucking at me now thinking, “We’re still finding our groove. It’s year six.” But it’s all about expectations, right? Keep them low. Know that I am enough for them. Do not try to replicate “school”. Become a student of my child!
I think it will be great.A few things I’ve been enjoying lately, as it relates to this new journey I’m on: the book Brave Learner (I’m not through it yet, so I’m happy to report back when I’m all finished!), these Bare Books that I can’t wait to see filled in, these chalkboards –I have a few different ones, including a map one!, the Read Aloud Revival podcast (especially episode #159 about homeschooling mistakes), and, most notably, a spirit of calm. If I remain calm, so shall they. Right? Right (or something like it).
We went to the beach yesterday and I brought this sandwich along, with some rosé too. I was #influenced by my friend Rachael, who is the best kind of influencer. Homemade breads, gardens, the best way to welcome guests when they step into your home (hint: it has something to do with that homemade bread). This focaccia is the most recent. If you’re nervous about homemade bread and then think oh focaccia? That’s even more next level, let me stop you right there. I think it’s even easier than the no-knead recipes. It just took awhile (mixed the night before–baked 12+ hours later). Combine it with Alexandra’s slab sandwich idea, and you’ve got yourself a beach picnic.
It will be so good. The freedom to define your days and determine your time! You so obviously adore your boys and cherish your time with them- homeschooling will be no different. Especially with a spirit of calm and loooooow expectations and all the outdoor time.
Also, nine months pregnant and now wanting that sandwich in my belly pronto.
You deserve this sandwich in your belly. At the very least, I can bring you some homemade foccacia if we get together soon!
And thank you. You’re right. I can’t wait.
So curious what you’ll be using for reading and math. That sandwich looks amazing!
I think The Good and the Beautiful for math and language arts. I was researching a lot of different ones for math, but keep coming back to this one. (The others I was looking at — Math Mammoth, Right Start Math).
We loooove right start math. Have been using it for over 3 years now.
And we also use The Good and the Beautiful for LA. 😊
This looks so yummy!
Mariya |
Thanks for sharing about your homeschooling journey (and the sandwich)! I just bought a few of those chalkboards for my kiddos – they are just what I was looking for!
oh I’m so glad!
Wow, that’s so cool that you’ve hacked a seasonal anxiety! And sort of unexpected, given the pandemic? I’m amazed by how these times of change are allowing us to flex as adults and become different people.
What reading books are you looking at for Anders if you don’t mind? I have a kindergartner too.
I also liked this post on teaching the early years:
Have you looked into the Ambleside Online book lists? Very helpful! And the read aloud reccs too! I haven’t looked into specific books for Anders yet for this upcoming year, but we are reading Swiss Family Robinson aloud–a little over his head but he checks in and out often! Here is some more on some of our favorite read alouds:
Thanks for sharing! Will look at the lists you’ve shared.
This looks really good! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I laughed out loud and reread your intro to my husband bc OH.My.GOSH! How did you get inside my head 😳🤣 all the way down to the chickens being fed!
We pulled our girls out of our beautiful Charlotte Mason school this year due to health concerns. I’ll be homeschooling my 5th, 3rd and Kindergartener. I’m equal parts excited and terrified 🤪 I’ll be using Charlotte Mason as my guide. She’s incredible. Good luck and Godspeed! We got this 💪🏻
Yes, we DO!
Making the bread today!! …and tomorrow and the day after that!!