When Steve and I first started dating, we made each other a burned CD of our favorite songs. Sort of a “getting to know you” through music. How romantic! He gave me mine, I gave him his, and we listened to them while we were apart. I can’t remember everything that was on them but I know I had Bob Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone” and Zeppelin’s “Fool in the Rain” on the one I made for him. There was most likely a Paul Simon song on there too, maybe “Obvious Child.” And, lest I forget, “Copperline” by James Taylor had to have had a spot too. On his for me was definitely some George Strait, and most likely Kenny Chesney and Rascal Flatts. Pretty different tastes, yes, but I do like country and Steve can sometimes stretch himself (that should be read with sarcasm) to the folksier, more classic rock side of things. So, we work (phew!). Though, let it be written, Steve actually introduced me to David Wilcox who is really quite incredible and, if you’re a James Taylor fan, you should give him a listen. (Start with “Language of the Heart” then move onto “Wildberry Pie.” His lyrics, man!)
Anyway, now we’re well into our marriage and do less of the polite, “oh yes! I like this song too!” thing that we used to. In fact, I have no recollection of him saying anything negative about the Paul Simon that was undoubtedly on my mix for him. Now, when I play Paul Simon, it’s all, “such complicated music” or “too clever by half.” And Bob Dylan? Steve thinks he’s perhaps the “worst singer who’s ever lived.” That’s a direct quote. (I bet some of you are shooting daggers through the computer screen at Steve right now? I know you Dylan fans.) And when he plays George Strait’s “One Night at a Time” in an attempts for a little spontaneous romance in the kitchen (get your head out of the gutter–just a little slow dance!), I’m a little meh about it. Sure, I oblige. But would that romance be more effortless with, say, some Sting classic or perhaps U2’s “All I Want is You?” Yes. This may very well be the first time he’s heard that I don’t actually love that George Strait classic (I’m sorry Steve!). But goodness, I will sleep better with that elephant off my chest.
The other day I made a CD for the car (am I the only one who still does this? We lost the cord that hooks up an iPod to the car, and blah blah blah, I still make CDs.). On it, I put his new favorite which, self-admittedly, I love too. Hunter Hayes’ “Crazy.” And I also put a bunch of my songs on it. I put it in the car he takes to work, and had the stereo set to start right at the beginning of that song. I’m nice like that. So, once he got home from work I was all, “Aren’t I the best?? Did you like the CD?” And he said, “Yes. But you listen to a lot of pretentious music.” He was referring to number one on the CD which was Andrew Bird’s “Desperation Breeds.” A really, really great song, that is, assuming you are not a fuddy-duddy like my husband. So anyway, we do this song and dance from time to time–him accusing me of being a hipster because of the pretentious and obscure music I sometimes listen to and me defending myself by saying hipsters seek credit for merely being hipsters and here I’m just doing my thing listening to my music so get off my back would you.
But how the times have changed. No more phony validations of one another’s music and now we just cut to the chase and piss on each other’s parades.
In his defense, I’m typically the one controlling the stereo as I cook or clean in the kitchen and thus he’s subjected to my complicated and hipster music far more than I’m subjected to his sentimental country. And I’m much less patient when it comes time to hand over the reigns to him. So when we jointly decide that we love a song (which, despite everything I’ve said here, actually happens quite often), it’s really a good thing and we listen to that song nonstop. Thus, Hunter Hayes has been on a lot lately. That is all.
And he looks just like Joffrey Baratheon. Hunter Hayes, not Steve. Steve looks just like Peter Krause. Which we all already know.
Gosh, a good mix tape (er, CD) is a lost art. Those were my love language in high school and college!!!
It's like I wrote this. I remember the days of sitting on the bed and listening to country songs on youtube. It seemed so romantic at the time. Now I just can't handle more country music in my life! The Beatles is more my style of music, but I do love some Andrew Bird and Paul Simon on my iPod. 😉
you SHOULD give that hunter hayes song a try though. it's good, even to me, who sometimes is a country-music-naysayer.
The last lines of this are gold.
My husband used to make me mixed cd's all the time! Now he does playlists, but only for road trips…
p.s. I think Steve looks like Kiefer Sutherland 🙂
My husband used to make me mixed CDs when we were dating and during the first months of our marriage. Now, he will do a playlist if I'm traveling or really into an album. So sweet! When I was little, I listened to Steve's type of music (which my husband can't stand), but now I'm more into the "pretentious music" you listen to! (Seriously, I couldn't help but smile and not when he said that, but I love that music…even if it's pretentious!)
your husband and mine, both fuddy-duddys!
this little post was so fun to read.
**i never knew!!
oh yes. i hear that on a daily basis at this point.
This cracks me up so much because Paul and I CONSTANTLY argue over music. He claims that Simon & Garfunkel and James Taylor make him hulk-rage, I say Rage Against the Machine is cacophonous racket (yes, I'm a grandma apparently). We agree on Cowboy Mouth, Cake… and "Since U Been Gone", to which we can both inexplicably rock out.
And I LOOOOOOOVE Bob Dylan. Paul loooooves mocking Bob Dylan. So there's that, too. (Paul does like Dylan's drawing/painting, though, and spearheaded our purchasing a print of his… so there's that??)
since u been gone is a good rock out song.
i love bob dylan too. but, when you really tune into specifically his voice, i must say steve has a point.
This post is so true, my husband and I would do the same things when we were dating. I would put on a country song in the car, and he we pretend like he knew it…or had at least heard it before. But now the band aid has been ripped off that wound because he has admitted that he greatly dislikes country music. And when I try to introduce him to some "newer" music, he claims I am trying to be in with the cool kids. haha!
Your husband should listen to some Stoney Larue, Josh Abbott, and Randy Rogers. Great music from Texas. My husband and I share many of the same interest in music, except I too can get a little folky, and my husband loves a good metal band.
Paul Simon! Andrew Bird! You have good music taste. So maybe I'm a bit of a pretentious hipster?! Nahhhhh!
I loved reading this.
My husband has said the same about Bob Dylan.
But he's OBSESSED with James Taylor…. (who we went to see last summer at Tanglewood– your hood!)
seeing JT at tanglewood is about the perfect venue to see him anywhere. hope you loved it!
We totally loved it. In fact, I think we're going back this summer, with baby in tow!! 🙂 Tanglewood was kind of magical.
maybe we'll run into each other! i like to get there at least once per summer. we took parker to see JT's concert last year and he fell asleep in the stroller. it was perfect.
Aww, the mixed tape is a lost art! Very cool that you guys still do that.
But when did Andrew Bird become obscure???
since steve said so, i guess?!
Ha this story gave me a chuckle. My poor guy never gets control of the stereo, and when he does he tortures me with talk radio.
steve would listen to npr all day, every day if it were up to him.
I love this post. And I still make cds! I don't even own an I-Pod or any portable device that can play music on it, so cds are all I have. And I must applaud myself cause I make the mixes for my family too and they love them.
I'm with you on the Bob Dylan…I saw him in concert when I was in high school and LOVED every second of it. But Van Morrison will always be my #1!
sweet thing by van morrison is like my soul song. looooove that man.
That is such a great song! Me and the hubby danced to Into the Mystics at our wedding and finished the night up with Sweet Thing. They still give me goosebumps!
i think we'd get along.
This made me smile. Very good illustration of discussions of things well into marriage. 🙂