having a little person with endless amounts of energy forces you outdoors to see what your state has to offer. you know. i think by the time parker is three i’ll have seen every farm/outdoor oasis in the state of massachusetts. so, in planning the week ahead, my friend rachael said, “how about drumlin farm?” so to drumlin farm we went.
four babies under two (do i have to stop calling them babies when they turn two? don’t make me.), their mamas, baby goats a-plenty, a big raised gardening bed full of dirt and shovels for playing, chickens, hens, a seven-day old calf, pigs, a hayride, trails, and the sunshine made for a really nice day.
next up… davis farmland (anyone been?)… where i heard you can play with the goats sans separation fence! yessss! (thank you to those who gave me tips after this instagram!)
and any massachusetts readers: if you’ve got some more fabulous must-see places… gimme!
p.s. stating the obvious: baby pigs are nooot easy on their mother’s…. teat? (having a ben-stiller-in-meet-the-fockers moment). we attempted to have an “oh, look at that! nature and nursing and motherhood-right-here-on-the-farm moment!” but it sort of made us cringe. mother pigs… kudos to you. mother-warriors, i tell you.
love these photos bridge. and we already discussed my love for baby goats. it is strong.
I've never been but I've heard good things about the Heifer International farm in Rutland (http://www.heifer.org/visit/overlook-farm).
heifer! i love them. ima check this out. thanks cheryl!
You'll have to let us know if you go! I just moved out of MA and I miss it already!
Heck no you don't have to stop calling them babies… ever! I have a 20 year-old baby… plus more. They are forever and always "your" babies. On another note, I was a nursing mama to all 6 of mine but yes, that poor mama pig still gives me a twinge of pain when I see that. Nature at it's best, with that many I think I would run for the hills. (wink)
THANK YOU. ya hear that, baby parker?!
So glad you blogged about this! I grew up in Chelmsford, MA, but now live in Australia and I have great memories of my parents taking my siblings and me to Drumlin Farm. (I even have some photos pretty similar to the ones you have of Parker!) To be honest your entire blog is kinda a trip down memory lane for me.
Our favourite farm was Great Brook State Farm Park though – which we named "Cows and Geese" and it wasn't until I was 17 that I realised that it actually wasn't called Cows and Geese! (We weren't very creative kids apparently…) I don't know what it's like now, but I totally loved it as a kid. You should check it out.
i mean, massachusetts is great but australia! how cool!
thanks for the park rec!
Growing up, my mom took my brother and I to Drumlin Farm all the time! Some of my best memories!!
We go to Ward's Berry Farm http://www.wardsberryfarm.com/ almost weekly (I live right down the road, so it is convenient for us). They have goats, sheep (lamb right now, too!), chickens and sometimes cows that you can feed. They also have a small play area and a nice sandpit. The sandwiches and smoothies in the store are really great. Highly recommended!
you had me at sandwiches and smoothies.
I was going to comment on how painful that last photo looked…poor mama pig. Glad you gave her a shout out. I am not quite savvy in places to go with little ones {since we don't have any…yet} but will certainly keep my ears open for any places I here of in the area!
she needs a million shout outs. one for each teat.
Amen to that! And I have to correct this or it will bug me all day…I totally typed here instead of hear!
ha! no worries. if you haven't noticed i sometimes get a little trigger happy with the publish button and post before i correct.
Winslow farm animal sanctuary in Norton is wonderful!
beautiful photos, can't wait for it to green up here! We spend a lot of time outside too – I wish there were farms like that here! We have one that we live near and go to frequently, but I've had a hard time finding any other farms that are open to the public!
PS love that one of you giving Parker a kiss…so sweet
I immediately thought "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica" on seeing your first pic. I do hope you know what I'm referring too:)
kate! i don't know it! but i imagine it is funny so share the deets.
Hahaaa! A girl after my own heart. Quite possibly one of the greatest moments of all time on The Office.
Thanks for the farm suggestions! We are at appleton farms weekly! we will have to try out one of these too. Oh man am I glad I am not a mama pig! YIKES! She is a mama warrior for sure. Not only are they rough but there are MULTIPLE piglets at once…
Poor mama pig. Although I feel like I know her pain just a bit after nursing a teething toddler ELVIS EARL.
I want to go hang out on farms with you and Parker !
This is adorable — and no, I do not think that we have to stop calling them babies
I can't wait for school to get out so I can take my little guy out this summer! Such a fun age! PS. Seriously try the Friendly Farm. The kids can pet and feed the animals there.
Davis Farmland is lots of fun. I took my niece and nephew when they were one and two and they loved it. You can get up close to the animals. Some of them are roaming free. There was "fishing" in a little stream, a playground, and a splash/water area. I'd go again now that they are a little older.
Also, have you been to the Discovery Museum in Acton? Great fun for the littles.
i have not!! adding it to the 'places to bring a toddler in massachusetts' list
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Davis Farmland is great! I remember holding my first kitten there when I was a toddler! Also, I ended up working in their mega cornmaze in high school. Have fun!
farms are my jam!! and this one looks amazing!
and yeah..those teats. power to all the mama pigs worldwide.
love love love all these. so fun. and what sweet moments!
It looks so beautiful there! All your pictures make me want to visit!
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